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Family Needs

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General Assistance is a monetary payment made on behalf of the applicant to meet the basic needs of the family.




General Assistance

Burleigh County Human Service Zone Board defines General Assistance as a monetary payment made on behalf of an applicant and their family to provide the minimum amount of assistance to meet the basic needs of the family. This is an emergency assistance program. Application for federally funded programs and community resources must be made prior to application for General Assistance.

Type of assistance available:

  1. Rent – Human Service Zones will look for resources in their communities and refer individuals to DHS Rental Bridge for rental assistance -- www.applyforhelp.nd.gov/nd-rent-help or call 701-328-1907.
  2. Utilities – All applicants for payment of utilities will be referred to LIHEAP, Emergency LIHEAP, Community Action programs and ND Rent Help. Payments will be considered when those resources are exhausted and the health of the applicant is endangered. Costs associated with installation or payment of monthly phone bills are not provided through General Assistance.
  3. Medical – Will be referred to Health Care Coverages available through Medicaid and other Medical Assistance Programs.
  4. Food – All requests for food are referred to the SNAP program and local food pantries.
  5. Clothing – All clothing requests will be referred to local organizations.

No payment will be made toward the costs, which are considered a resource to the household such as house, car or trailer payments.

All anticipated income the household expects to receive during the month will be counted. The household’s living needs costs will be deducted from anticipated income to determine eligibility. All liquid resources, such as cash, bank accounts, CDs, etc. will be considered available to meet the household’s needs.

Processing standard is 10 days after receipt of requested information. Households have 10 days to provide any information requested.

Payments are made in the form of a voucher to the vendor.

415 East Rosser Avenue Suite 113
Bismarck ND 58501-4058
OFFICE PHONE: 222-6670
FAX: 221-3384 Administration
FAX: 222-6476 Economic Assistance
FAX: 222-6644 Child & Family Services

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