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LIHEAP provides assistance to eligible households to offset the cost of home energy in relation to household income.

LIHEAP Application

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The program is not designed to pay the total fuel costs.

  • The LIHEAP heating season runs each year from October 1st to May 31st.
  • To become eligible households who buy their heating from a fuel dealer or utility company
  • Households whose rent payment includes the cost of heating, as long as they do not receive a rent subsidy.
  • Covered heating fuels are natural gas, propane, fuel oil, wood, coal, and kerosene.
  • All individuals living in the home must be included on the application.
  • LIHEAP pays a percentage share of heating costs based on:
    • income,
    • expenses,
    • size of the home
    • type of heating fuel, and
    • number of household members.
  • Processing standard is 45 days from the date the application is filed.


LIHEAP brochure: http://www.nd.gov/dhs/info/pubs/docs/dn-523-liheap-brochure.pdf

415 East Rosser Avenue Suite 113
Bismarck ND 58501-4058
OFFICE PHONE: 222-6670
FAX: 221-3384 Administration
FAX: 222-6476 Economic Assistance
FAX: 222-6644 Child & Family Services

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