Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The program is not designed to pay the total fuel costs.
- The LIHEAP heating season runs each year from October 1st to May 31st.
- To become eligible households who buy their heating from a fuel dealer or utility company
- Households whose rent payment includes the cost of heating, as long as they do not receive a rent subsidy.
- Covered heating fuels are natural gas, propane, fuel oil, wood, coal, and kerosene.
- All individuals living in the home must be included on the application.
- LIHEAP pays a percentage share of heating costs based on:
- income,
- expenses,
- size of the home
- type of heating fuel, and
- number of household members.
- Processing standard is 45 days from the date the application is filed.
LIHEAP brochure: http://www.nd.gov/dhs/info/pubs/docs/dn-523-liheap-brochure.pdf